Wednesday, February 18, 2009


It’s a documented fact that we judge a book by its cover. The two words in the tile of this blog entry do have two distinct and separate meanings. Prejudice is actually a fear based response. Even though fear is the last thing we should focus on, it is a defense mechanize. On the other hand, racism is a disease of the mind.
I want to expound on prejudice first. We are all the product of our environment and experiences. Right or wrong, we all make judgments on many aspects of our environment daily on conscious and subconscious levels. This can keep us safe depending on the situation. It also can move you away from fresh and new opportunities unfortunately.
What do you think when you see a person holding a card board sign on a street corner or a freeway exit? I think we all can be that guy or gal. Most people are just a few paychecks away from financial ruin. All it takes is one life changing event. It doesn’t even have to be a big one. It can be something small that snowballs into an unstoppable freight train depending on what you focus on. It’s true that some beggars make up to $20 an hour tax free and live a decent life. They give real homeless people without hope a bad rap. I have compassion for those who feel the only recourse they have to survive is to beg. They have lost the ability to realize they can make it.
Racism is a much more complex problem. I deplore this train of thought. I always have, even before I was old enough to understand what it meant. We are all people. PEOPLE! PERIOD! How can anyone be so pampas as to think they are better than another for any reason? We all come from different cultures, backgrounds, and histories but that is what makes life interesting. If we were all the same that would be so boring.
As I was growing up I experience many different examples of racism. When I was a teenager my step dad always labeled people that did or said dumb things with the “N” word. It didn’t matter what race they were, they were n...ers. I hated that. Every time he would say that word it cut through me like a knife. I understand why he was this way. He grew up in a very racist and ignorant environment. This was the only example he was shown of how to function in society. I sincerely believe that he was not a true racist but words you use can make you appear to be very ignorant.
Another example of apparent racism in my life presented itself to me over a decade ago. At the time I had recently made a new friend. This guy and I are true kindred spirits. We have since become the best of friends. One night after my divorce we got together to hit a few night spots. We both knew this one woman that I was interested in dating. We were having a drink and talking before we went out and he made a racist comment about her. You need to understand, I really looked up to this guy. He is older than me and I admire his wisdom. When he made the comment I stopped him in his tracks, looked him in the eye and told him I would never tolerate another racist comment from him ever. I also told him that if that was what he was all about that I would not continue to be his friend. I think I changed him that night. He isn’t racist, he was only joking but it wasn’t funny. That was a life changing moment for both of us. He is my best friend today. He is a mentor of mine but he also has tremendous respect for me. He has since never talked about different races in a derogatory manor, at least in front of me.
I do want to touch on one point of political hypocrisy here briefly. Do you know who Robert Byrd is? If he is still alive I think he is pushing 120 years old. He was a zombie US senator for what seemed like 100 years (it was a very long time). I don’t remember what state he was from but I do know some of his history. He is a permanent fixture in the Democratic Party. He was also a KKK member in the 1960’s. The press portrays the Republicans as the party of racism.
I’m not a Democrat or a Republican. I’m a conservative and a libertarian. I had a conversation with my bio dad a few months ago. He is a rabid liberal. Anyone (like me) that doesn’t agree with him is viewed as a threat to his ideology. Unfortunately he doesn’t know me at all. His perception of my mindset is that I’m a racist homophobe that wants to poison the earth. He has no idea what a loving person I really am. I wish he did because I love him. He is the only bio dad I will ever have. Oh well.
Oprah made a statement several years ago that has always stayed with me. She said, “I’m not an African American, I’m an American”. I love and respect her for that comment. So is this country still a racist country? I don’t think so. Does this thinking make me stupid or out of touch? I guess so if this country is still viewed as racist. Sure, there will always be backwards thinking idiots who feel threatened by others who are not like them but that’s life.
We now have a “black” president (or should I say African American president?). Is saying “black” racist? The fact is, at least for me anyway, I don’t care if he is green or purple or blue. Why is everyone so high on the fact that he is black? I don’t get it. Is this his best qualification? Did he get elected because we needed a “black” president to get over our guilt of our sad history of slavery? What’s the big deal? I vote for the person, man or woman, I feel is best qualified to fill the position. Focusing on who someone is instead of what they are is so important to remember. Can we please stop focusing on the color of a person’s skin as a designation of who they are? It seems to me that focusing on ethnicity for any intention, go or bad, is in itself racist. Please tell me what you think.

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